It is hereby notified to all the concerned that online registration process of B.A & B.Com first semester for the session 2022-2023 of U.N. Brahma College.
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Admission Notice
It is hereby notified that for B.A. & B.Com admissions for the academic session2023-2024 of U.N. Brahma College, Kajalgaon will be done as per the followingscheduled:
List of selected students for the Admission to the Under Graduate Honours
List of selected students for the Admission to the Under Graduate Honours for the Session 2022
Admission For the B.A/B.Com First semester for the session 2023-24 (online mode)
For online Registration/Admission, visit: After registration students have to re-register at: Online Registration From 14th to 28th June, 2023 Submission of hard copy of admission form and Documents verification(Arts & Commerce)Testimonials required: All H.S Documents, Caste certificate, BPL card, income certificate of parents, birth certificate or admit card of HSLC From 14th to…
3rd Semesters Examination, 2022 will be held from 12th March
It is hereby notified to all the Teaching , Non-teaching staff of Upendra Nath Brahma College, Kajalgaon that 3rd Semesters Examination, 2022 will be held from 12th March onwards. Therefore the entire concerned are instructed to reach/ report at college as the following schedule of time and the Invigilators are requested to not use /switch…