It is hereby notified that due to the Gunotsav,2023 UG 5th and 1st Semester Examination has been Rescheduled as per the notification of Bodoland University
Adobe-Scan-01-Feb-2023 Adobe-Scan-01-Feb-2023-2Notice
It is hereby notified that due to the Gunotsav,2023 UG 5th and 1st Semester Examination has been Rescheduled as per the notification of Bodoland University
Adobe-Scan-01-Feb-2023 Adobe-Scan-01-Feb-2023-2It is hereby notified to all the concerned that online registration process of B.A & B.Com first semester for the session 2022-2023 of U.N. Brahma College.
It is hereby notified to all the teaching and non-teaching staff of Upendra Nath Brahma College that a meeting to be held on 29th December, 2021 to discuss on the following agenda. It is therefore instructed to all the concerned to attend the meeting positively at 1:30 p.m. on the above mentioned day. Agenda: Regarding…
It is to inform that IQAC cell of the college is arrange a meeting on 14/05/2022 at 1.00 pm. to discuss about the future planning for NAAC inspection preparation. In this meeting, the undersigned cordially invites Administrative Member, External Member and distinguish members of IQAC cell and NAAC Assessment committee of U.N. Brahma College, Kajalgaon.
It is hereby notified to all the Teaching, Non-teaching staff and Students of U. N. Brahma College, Kajalgaon Chirang that the College will remain closed from 1st to 10th October, 2022 on account of Mahatma Gandhi Birthday, Durga Puja and Lakshmi Puja. The college will re-open on 11/10/2022( Tuesday). SD…
It is hereby notified to all the teaching and non-teaching staff of U.N. Brahma College, Kajalgaon that we the members of Eco club and Green Audit Cell would like