Industry Academia Meet
Plantation program at U.N.Brahma College
Plantation program at U.N.Brahma College campus on 15th September, 2023, as the part of Amrit…
World Environments day celebration
We had an incredible World Environment Day celebration at Unbrahma College Participants enjoyed nature walks,…
NCC students of U. N. Brahma College, Kajalgaon cleaning Orchid Garden
A Week Mission Life
New Enrolment Rally 2022
New Enrolment Rally 2022, UNB College NCC Under 2th Assam NCC, Dhubri
Yoga Day Celebration 2022
Yoga is an ancient discipline that brings balance and peace to the person. On today,…
World Environment Day 2022
World Environment Day 2022 is the biggest international day for the environment. Led by the…
Ready to Grow Your Business?
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